From last some years Surya Namaskar Yoga For Weight Loss is most popular Techniques among the people. Here in this post we will going to discuss about Surya Namaskar yoga for weight loss.
Step wise posses of Surya Namaskar are listed below..
Conclusion : By performing Surya Namaskar regularly we can improve Blood circulation, it helps You to stay away from Dieses. It is also helpful to reduce belly fat.
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Step wise posses of Surya Namaskar are listed below..
STEP 1 Prayer Pose
First pose of Surya Namaskar is Pranamasana or Prayer Pose. Use yoga mat or Perform it on plane surface. Stand Streight, both feet close to each other.
Inhale, and expand chest.
While Inhaling your hands are in Upward direction, and during exhaling, fold your hands to heart like prayer pose.
Congrats!! You have completed first step of Surya Namaskar.
STEP 2 Raised arms Pose
Retain in step one position, breath in and raise your arms and slightly lean back. Ensure, your biceps should be close to your ears. Try to stretch your body as you can.
Here step 2 is completed.
STEP 3 Standing Forward Bend
During Exhaling, bend Forward from the hip and try to touch your toes using your hands.
Place the hands beside your feet if possible. Your knees should be Streight.
It is good for back, abdominal muscles, and nervous system.
STEP 4 Equestrian Pose
Mantra : Om Bhaanave Namaha
Start Inhaling and extend left feet behind as far as possible, now bend your right knee to the right part of your chest. Your hands should be on floor and spread the fingers. Look up.
Ashwa Sanchalanasana Increase flexibility in the leg.
STEP 5 Staff Pose
Stretch your right leg backwards. Your body should be in Streight line and it is parallel to the floor.
Also Read :) Surya Namaskar Mantra
STEP 6 Salute with Eight parts
Slowly bring your knees to downwards and breathe out.
Rest your feet, hands, chest, chin on the floor and raise your hips.
Stronger chest muscles can be obtain by this Step.
STEP 7 Cobra Pose
Press your palms into the floor. Lift your chest and head to the sky. Arc your neck to backwards.
Bhujangasana is good for headache
STEP 8 Downward Facing Dog Pose
After Bhujangasana transform your body like downward facing dog by lifting up your hips, heels on the floor and like making inverted V shape with your body
STEP 9 Equestrian Pose
Turn into Ashwa Sanchalanasana pose from the Adho Mukha Svanasana pose.
As we discuss step 4, repeat it with opposite side.
Inhale, bring your left leg forward and place them between your hands and now put left knee on the floor and then look Upward.
STEP 10 Hand to Foot Pose
Slowly bring your right foot next to your left foot, keeping the position of your hands in to the same position as Ashwa Sanchalanasana pose
STEP 11 Raise arm Pose
Take a deep breath, stretch your arms in Upward direction. Slowly arc your back.
Your biceps should be near to your ears.
STEP 12 Mountain Pose
Now, slowly exhale and bring your hands down and Stand normal position as step 1.
You can feel the positive vibration
Question : How many sets should be perform of Surya Namaskar Yoga For Weight Loss ¿
Answer : Surya Namaskar has many benefits if one can do it in a proper way.
Reducing weight is the most helpful benefit of it. Any exercise you want to do to reduce your weight, should have done keeping in mind the limit and capacity of your body. If you are a beginner and never did any exercise before then start with 5-6 rounds of Surya Namaskar. Gradually you can increase the rounds from 5 to 8, 8 to 12, 12 to 20 and so on. People with years of experience are able to do 108 round of Surya Namaskar too. However one should know the limit and capacity of its own body and do exercise accordingly.
Also note that a perfect Surya Namaskar not only includes physical exercise, it also includes breathing exercise that involves your body and mind at the same time.
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